Opinion of Experts on Start of New Era in Real Estate – (Part 3/6)

In our 2nd part of “Opinion of Experts on the Start of New Era in Real Estate” blog, we wrote some expert’s opinions where they think-
1- This is the right time for property buying.
2- Affordable housing rules need to be changed.
3- The attraction of government concessions will increase.
Now let’s continue to know some more opinions of experts of real estate sector. [More]

8 things that RERA will change in real estate industry of India

From 01 August 2017, Real Estate Regulation Act (RERA) will be in Act. By this act, builders won’t be able to book any unit in their Pre-launch Real Estate Project. They can’t even advertise any under-construction project without its registration under RERA. Hence by this Act, any property buyer won’t get cheated by any builder / promoter or agent. [More]



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