Opinion of Experts on Start of New Era in Real Estate – (Part 6/6)

In our 5th part of “Opinion of Experts on the Start of New Era in Real Estate” blog, we wrote some expert’s opinions where they think -

1- Help needed to provide liquidity

2- There will be increase in walk to work culture

3- The nature of societies will change

4- Market correction expected after lock down

Now let’s continue to know some more opinions of experts of real estate sector [More]

Opinion of Experts on Start of New Era in Real Estate – (Part 5/6)

In our 4th part of “Opinion of Experts on the Start of New Era in Real Estate” blog, we wrote some expert’s opinions where they think -

1- Social awareness will increase.

2- There will always be a demand for convenience flats.

3- Demand for good facilities will increase with homes.

Now let’s continue to know some more opinions of experts of real estate sector. [More]

Opinion of Experts on Start of New Era in Real Estate – (Part 4/6)

In our 3rd part of “Opinion of Experts on the Start of New Era in Real Estate” blog, we wrote some expert’s opinions where they think -

1- Now space will be more preferred.
2- Digitalisation will expand further.
3- Stamp Duty should also get funding.
4- Demand of small commercial projects will increase.

Now let’s continue to know some more opinions of experts of real estate sector. [More]

Opinion of Experts on Start of New Era in Real Estate – (Part 2/6)

In our 1st part of “Opinion of Experts on the Start of New Era in Real Estate” blog, we wrote some expert’s opinions where they think-
1- Real estate is the only place for a better investment.
2- There will be a change in product cost, demand will increase.
3- Now the trend of owning a house will increase.
Now let’s continue to know some more opinions of experts of real estate sector. [More]

Top 6 Smart things to do immediately after Buying a Property

Buying a house is a big milestone in life, especially if you intend to use it for yourself. However, the excitement of owning a real estate property can soon disappear if you fail to verify certain things. Here is a list of 6 critically smart things to do immediately after registering a property against your name. [More]



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